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How we created a more
engaged community
in 30 days


incresase in overall social engagement


fan growth across all


improvement in staff


Upon assuming the role of Digital Content Designer and Publisher, I expected to collaborate closely with the Social Media Manager. However, she resigned the day before my start, leaving me with only two days of training before her departure. Our team faced the unique challenge of managing social platforms for three campuses located in three separate states, while being based in a corporate office in downtown Minneapolis. As I lacked direct access to these campuses it was crucial for her to convey her approach to remote social media management. Unfortunately, her abrupt exit on day one meant I never received the complete training I needed, and no other team member was able to fill the gap.


Altierus Career College was a postsecondary non-profit healthcare and trade school located in: 

  • Atlanta, Georgia

  • Bissonnet, Texas

  • Tampa, Florida

College logo

My Role

Social media strategist, designer, videographer, photographer,
and event coordinator.


Transitioning to social media ownership, my immediate hurdle was content creation due to limited access to campuses and no relationships with any faculty or staff. Dry posts, low engagement, and slow growth ensued. Campus-specific Facebook groups also struggled.


As the new head of social, I aimed to:

  • Enhance student awareness of our social channels for wider reach.

  • Involve staff and faculty in external social engagement for morale and loyalty.

  • Elevate engagement in our virtual community hub.

laughing emoji media can be a wonderful tool 
to learn, stay connected, and share exciting news.

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To address these challenges head-on, I devised a dynamic initiative called “A Social About Social,” aimed at bridging the content gap, enhancing student awareness of our social platforms, and fostering positive interactions with faculty and staff regarding social media.


My strategic approach encompassed the following key steps: 

  1. Campus Tours—These trips would be used to curate content, educate students, and address faculty/staff concerns about social media.

  2. Engagement Events—My team and I would host tailored pizza parties for afternoon and evening classes, and donut-coffee breakfast for morning classes.

  3. Departmental Outreach—Partnering with a social media ambassador I would conduct sessions with departments to ease concerns about student engagement.

  4. Resource Guides—Ahead of my travels I would craft comprehensive internal and external social media guides for the campus community.

  5. Memorable Swag—I would design and distribute playful branded pins as lasting reminders.

Smiling pizza drawing
Altierus Lounge Swag
Social media Facebook lounge guide
Social media external guide


Implementing this campaign encompassed a series of strategic stages:

  • Creative Material—I worked with my Sr. Editorial Specialist to help me craft compelling leave-behinds, including booklets and exclusive pins. 

  • Collaborative Team—I engaged my Sr. Editorial Specialist, Social Media Ambassador, and campus representatives to form a planning committee to ensure each event went off without a hiccup

  • Campus Tours—My Sr. Editorial Specialist, Social Media Ambassador, and I traveled together to each campus, engaging diverse audiences across Atlanta, Bissonnet, and Tampa.

  • Lively Events—We hosted engaging campus events, spotlighting benefits of participation in external social networks and our lounge. 

  • Media Capture—I documented moments through photography, videography, and even live streaming to enhance our online presence. 

  • Departmental Engagement—I conducted exclusive sessions with faculty, addressing their inquiries and fostering content discussions.


Our refined campaign approach meticulously orchestrated every facet, creating a repeatedly engaging experience at each tour stop. Outcomes included substantial lounge growth, increased external fan base, and heightened staff engagement, yielding consistent content submissions. As a bonus, it built a sense of community and trust between campus locations and our home office. These achievements synergistically boosted channel engagement and overall growth. 

Students celebrating at Social About Social event in Atlanta
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